Free Shopify Scripts, Shopify Coding, and Dropshipping Tutorials

This site is a collection of guides for highly requested and searched features that you can do with Shopify, but there isn't a lot of documentation on. I love hearing comments and feedback on the current guides, how they can be made better, and what new ideas you would love to see.

I started learning to code while working at Shopify and I have been practicing a ton while working on a number of projects.

I plan to blog about HTML, CSS, JS, and Ruby on Rails. If there are any guides you would like to see, please reach out on the About page.

Happy Coding!

- Dylan Hunt

by: Dylan Hunt | Published: March 12, 2019 15:03

I have had a lot of comments for people looking to have this guide work specifically for the Minimal theme, so I am going to try to be as specific as possible and hopefully this can help more people achieve this on their own.

If you have a product such as a swimwuit that has 10 colors, you may want to keep it as one product, but to make your collection page look more 'full', so here is how you can turn that one product into 10 different ones on the collection page, but have the product page stay the same as one product with many variants on the Brooklyn theme.

1. Find the product-grid-item.liquid snippet and open it. This is the loop that is used to display all products in the collection.

2. Replace the product-grid-item with the code below.

You should be all set now.

Comment below if you're struggling.


by: Dylan Hunt | Published: March 07, 2019 13:54

I have had a lot of comments for people looking to have this guide work specifically for the brooklyn theme, so I am going to try to be as specific as possible and hopefully this can help more people achieve this on their own.

If you have a product such as a swimwuit that has 10 colors, you may want to keep it as one product, but to make your collection page look more 'full', so here is how you can turn that one product into 10 different ones on the collection page, but have the product page stay the same as one product with many variants on the Brooklyn theme.

1. Find the product-grid-item.liquid snippet and open it. This is the loop that is used to display all products in the collection.

2. Replace the product-grid-item with the code below.

You should be all set now.

Comment below if you're struggling.


by: Dylan Hunt | Published: December 17, 2018 15:00

One of the biggest issues I have seen with scripts is that it is really easy to give discounts based on line item value, but calculating the cart value, and applying logic based on that is causing a lot of people issues. Here is a REALLY easy way to solve for this and I will give two examples.

1. $X Off if Cart is over $Y

This will give the customer a discount of $5 if the cart is over $30.

1. Variable discount depending on cart value

This will give the customer a discount of $5 if the cart is over $50 OR will give them $10 off if the cart is over $100.

As always, let me know if there are any questions in the comments.


by: Dylan Hunt | Published: May 16, 2018 17:12

Before reading this, please note I also made a video on how to do this. I have embedded it here to see if it helps a bit more than the code itself since all themes are so different.

Alright, I see a lot of people asking for this and wanted to provide a guide to help anyone looking to do this. If you have a product such as a swimwuit that has 10 colors, you may want to keep it as one product, but to make your collection page look more 'full', so here is how you can turn that one product into 10 different ones on the collection page, but have the product page stay the same as one product with many variants.

Where you see the VARIANT LOOP that is where you will need to make a new snippet that contains the code from the product loop. this might be a snippet called product-grid-item or product-loop and you'll need to make a new one, per haps called product-grid-item-variant, and within that you will paste the code from the product grid item, and change the liquid to identify the variant information such as variant.url and variant.image instead of product.featured_image

Comment below if you're struggling.


by: Dylan Hunt | Published: May 11, 2018 15:53

Alright, so this was something I searched for around the shopify universe and was not able to come up with a guide, so here we go.

We are going to start by adding a nice filter on the theme to filter by the sizes that are available between ALL products on the currently selected page. The guide below ASSUMES that the size is the 2nd option. if it is the first for you, change the 1 to a 0.

I am adding this code to the theme alongside the other filters, which is often in a snippet called filters, but might just be in your collection-template.liquid section.

Next we need to add the tags of each size (or color depending how you're doing this) to the products in the store. This is by far the most annoying part of making this happen on your store.

By adding the tags, we ensure that the right products ALL show up on the site when the filter by the size, which really acts as a tag filter with Shopify's URL filtering

Now its time to make sure that we ONLY show the products that are in stock. So we will do this by removing matching the variants available in that specific product, with the tag filter, and determine if it matches.

The code below will go in the area on your site that has the product grid item. Usually this is called product-grid.liquid and is a snippet, but it will be clear if you find the product for loop in the collection template.

With those two codes added you should be good to go in any theme to filter any collection by the size or color in stock.


by: Dylan Hunt | Published: April 02, 2018 17:54

Hey, it took me a lot of searching to determine how to do this and its actually really simple without additional JS libraries. If you add &muted=1 to the URL of the embedded video, then it will ensure it is fully muted. Here is an example code


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